565 research outputs found

    Anthracnose: A new strawberry disease in Serbia and its control by fungicides

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    Anthracnose is a destructive disease of strawberry fruits in warm and continental climate. During 2004, in the vicinity of Valjevo, there were severe losses in two strawberry plantations due to fruit anthracnose. Two fungal isolates, GG-6A and GG-JUP were recovered from strawberry stolons and fruits showing severe anthracnose symptoms. Based on morphological and pathological characteristics, and PCR analyses with specific primers of reference species, isolate GG-6A was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and GG-JUP isolate as C. acutatum. This is the first identification of C. acutatum in strawberry in Serbia. In order to control strawberry anthracnose, five fungicides and their combinations were applied four times during the flowering. The best fruit protection was achieved by fungicides Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL and Fludioksinil + ciprodinil (Swich). Less effective were Benomil (Benlate) and Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Pathogen is transmitted by planting material, so phytosanitary measures are extremely important in preventing the disease

    First Report of Brown Rot Caused by Monilia polystroma on Apple in Serbia

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    Exploitation of minors for pornographic purposes : the sociodemographic and criminal profile of the perpetrator

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    The paper presents research in the form of a survey aimed at examining the sociodemographic and criminal profile of the perpetrator of the crime of displaying, acquiring and possession of pornographic material and exploitation of a juvenile for pornography under Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Serbia, with particular reference to the imposed criminal sanctions. The survey was conducted at the beginning of 2018 and included 62 convicted male persons aged 18 to 70, prosecuted under jurisdiction of the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Combating High-Tech Crime in the period from 2012 to 2016. The results of the research show that the perpetrators of the said criminal offense are exclusively male individuals of an average age of 36.6 years, whose structure in terms of the working status is extremely diverse, starting from workers of various occupations, students to pensioners. In terms of other socio-demographic characteristics, the results of the survey show that the largest percentage of the convicted offenders have completed secondary school, that the number of the employed and unemployed is the same, that they are not married, gravitate towards urban areas, and have not been convicted before. In terms of the modus operandi, the results of the survey show that two methods of execution are dominant: the first implies the use of P2P technology on the Internet and the use of certain closed networks, which allow searching, downloading and sharing of photos and audio-visual data whereas the other involves creating a false profile on the Facebook social network

    Modelovanje fokalno-direktrisnih površi za primenu u arhitekturi

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    The theme of this paper is the modeling of focal-directorial surfaces, starting with their definition, as a locus of points, whose sum of the distances to the focus and/or directrix is constant and predefined. We presented a heuristic algorithm for modeling surfaces and their isocurves, achieved through the use of the Grasshopper visual programming editor in the RhinoCeros environment. Surfaces and their isocurves were generated in a spherical grid, because a Cartesian grid proved unsuitable for the task and the chosen approach. This paper additionally proposes a modeling algorithm of a discrete variation of focal-directorial surfaces. The proposed modeling method is a 3D convex hull implemented on a set of surface points, with the selected points close to that surface. The discrete model is realized both in a Cartesian and spherical grid. There are significant differences between the obtained results.Tema ovog rada je modelovanje fokalno-direktrisnih površi polazeći od njihove definicije, kao geometrijskog mesta tačaka čiji je zbir rastojanja do fokusa i/ili direktrisa konstantan i unapred zadat. Predložen je jedan heuristički algoritam za modelovanje površi i njihovih izolinija koji je realizovan pomoću vizuelnog grafičkog editora Grasshoper u RhinoCeros okruženju. Generisanje površi i njihovih izolinija realizovano je u sfernom gridu, pravougli grid se pokazao kao nepodesan za postavljeni zadatak i pristup. U ovom radu je, dodatno, predložen i algoritam modelovanja diskretne varijante fokalno-direktrisnih površi. Kao način modelovanja, predložen je 3D convex hull primenjen na skupu tačaka površi i izabranih tačaka bliskih toj površi. Diskretni model je realizovan u pravouglom, i u sfernom gridu. Dobijeni su rezultati koji se značajno međusobno razlikuju

    Identification of Agrobacterium vitis as a causal agent of grapevine crown gall in Serbia

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    In 2010, a serious outbreak of crown gall disease was observed on grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) in several commercial vineyards located in the Vojvodina province, Serbia. Bacteria were isolated from the young tumor tissue on nonselective YMA medium and five representative strains were selected for further identification. Tumorigenic (Ti) plasmid was detected in all strains by PCR using primers designed to amplify the virC pathogenicity gene, producing a 414-bp PCR product. The strains were identified as Agrobacterium vitis using differential physiological and biochemical tests, and a multiplex PCR assay targeting 23S rRNA gene sequences. In the pathogenicity assay, all strains induced characteristic symptoms on inoculated tomato and grapevine plants. They were less virulent on tomato plants in comparison to the reference strains of A. tumefaciens and A. vitis. [Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46008: Development of integrated management of harmful organisms in plant production in order to overcome resistance and to improve food quality and safety

    Influence of thermodynamic parameters on the synthesis of porous silicate materials and their functional application

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    Glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je sinteza poroznog aluminosilikatnog materijala za potencijalnu primenu u oblasti zaštite životne sredine. Aluminosilikatni materijali ekološki su prihvatljivi u smislu energetske efiksanosti i male potrošnje energije za sintezu. Sinteza ovakvih materijala podrazumeva i smanjenje proizvodnje gasova sa efektom staklene bašte, odnosno CO2. U prvom delu doktorske disertacije ispitivane su termodinamičke karakteristike homogenih rastvora alkalnih aktivatora na osnovu kojih se mogu tumačiti molekulske interakcije unutar rastvora. Ispraćena je promena termodinamičkih parametara (gustine, viskoznosti, indeksa refrakcije i brzine zvuka) u zavisnosti od temperature. Porozni silikatni materijali sintetisani su od polazne komponente (metakaolin-MK), alkalnog aktivatora koji se sastoji od rastvora NaOH različitih koncentracija (2M-16M NaOH) i natrijum silikata. Potencijalna primena usmerena je na ispitivanje adsorpcionih karakteristika ovih materijala za adsorpciju teških metala i ispitane su mehaničke osobine materijala radi potencijalne primene u građevinarstvu. Umrežena je i organska faza (poli(vinil-alkohol)-(PVA)) radi poboljšanja karakteristika sintetisanog materijala. Različitim metodama (rendgenska difrakciona analiza (XRD), Furijeova transformacija infracrvena spektroskopija (FTIR), Raman spektorskopija, Skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija, (SEM)) analizirane su promene strukture sintetisanog materijala kao i morfologije čestica prahova prekursora i mikrostruktura sintetisanih uzoraka. Rendgenskom flurescentnom analizom (XRF) određen je hemijski sastav polaznih sirovina i sintetisanog materijala. XRD analizom i Raman spektroskopijom izvršena je identifikacija faza i praćenje veličina kristalita i udela amorfne faze u sintetisanom poroznom silikatnom materijalu. SEM metodom je ispitana morfologija čestica prahova prekursora, veličina i oblik pora sintetisanih poroznih materijala, a metodom energetske disperzione spektroskopije (EDS) utvrđen je sastav čestica prahova i faza kako prekursora, tako i sintetisanih materijala. Veličina čestica sintetisanih materijala praćena je laserskom metodom za određivanje veličine čestica. Određena je specifična površina i poroznost sintetisanog materijala pomoću BET metode. Ispraćen je proces polimerizacije alkalno-aktiviranog materijala (AAM) XRD i FTIR analizom. MALDI-TOF metodom potvrđeni su sintetisani polimerni materijali. Ispitana je i prirodna radioaktivnost materijala polazne sirovine, metafaze i polimernog materijala. Urađena je i termička analiza pomoću TGA/DTA metode. Takođe je urađena i karakterizacija termički tretiranih uzoraka kao i rendgenska fotoelektronska spektroskopija (XPS)The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is the synthesis of porous aluminosilicate materials for potential application in the field of environmental protection. Aluminosilicate materials are environmentally friendly in terms of energy efficiency and low energy consumption for synthesis. The synthesis of such materials implies a reduction in the production of greenhouse gases, i.e., CO2. In the first part of the doctoral dissertation, the thermodynamic characteristics of homogeneous solutions of alkaline activators were examined, on the basis of which molecular interactions within the solution can be interpreted. The change of thermodynamic parameters (density, viscosity, refractive index and speed of sound) depending on temperature was monitored. Porous silicate materials were synthesized from the starting component (metakaolin-MK), an alkaline activator consisting of a solution of NaOH of different concentrations (2M-16M NaOH) and sodium silicate. The potential application is aimed at testing the adsorption properties of these materials for adsorption of heavy metals and the mechanical properties of the materials for potential application in construction have been examined. The organic phase (Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)) was also crosslinked to improve the characteristics of the synthesized material. Changes in the structure of the synthesized material as well as the morphology of the precursor powder particles and the microstructure of the synthesized samples were analyzed by various methods (X - ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)). The chemical composition of the starting materials and the synthesized material was performed by X - ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). XRD and Raman spectroscopy identified the phases and monitored the crystallite size and the proportion of the amorphous phase in the synthesized porous silicate material. SEM examined the morphology of precursor powder particles, pore size and shape of synthesized porous materials, and the composition of powder particles and phases of both precursors and synthesized materials was determined by energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). The particle size of the synthesized materials was monitored by the laser method for determining the particle size. The specific surface area and porosity of the synthesized material were determined using the BET method. The polymerization process of alkali-activated material (AAM) was monitored by XRD and FTIR method. The synthesized polymeric materials were confirmed by the MALDI-TOF method. The natural radioactivity of the raw material, metaphase and polymeric material was also examined. Thermal analysis was performed using the TGA / DTA method. Characterization of thermally treated samples as well as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was also performed

    Model characteristics of the explosive force indicators of leg extensors in top level athletes

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    У овом истраживању на основу примарног циља дефинисане су моделне карактеристике различитих индикатора експлозивне силе опружача ногу врхунских спортиста оба пола. На основу секундарних циљева су утврђене разлике у факторској структури, функционалног и полног диморфизма, нивоа развијености и повезаности индикатора за процену експлозивности опружача ногу. У истраживању је учествовало 378 испитаникa распоређених у 8 група према полу и специфичности тренажног процеса којем су подвргнути: врхунски спортисти из групе брзинско-снажних спортова (мушкарци N=40 и жене N=34), врхунски спортисти из групе спортова с комплексним испољавањем свих моторичких својстава (мушкарци N=99 и жене N=43), врхунски спортисти из групе спортова издржљивости (мушкарци N=64 и жене N=33) и контролна група сачињена од нетренираних особа мушког и женског пола (мушкарци N=33 и жене N=32). Мерни опсег дефинисан је на основу 81 варијабле подељених у 6 димензија које се односе на контрактилне карактеристике изометријске силе опружача ногу и то: 1) ниво испољене силе мерене уни и билатерално, 2) интензитет прираста силе или експлозивности мерене уни и билатерално, 3) времена потребног за достизање дате силе мерене уни и билатерално, 4) нивоа билатералног дефицита, 5) нивоа функционалног диморфизма, 6) нивоа полног диморфизма; покривајући простор општих, специфичних и специјалних карактеристика мишићне силе и експлозивности опружача ногу. За процену максималне изометријске силе опружача ногу (билатерално и унилатерално) коришћена је стандардизована опрема, тј. справа металне конструкције за мерење изометријске силе опружача ногу, тензиометријска сонда и стандардизован тест у седећој позицији...This research, based on its primary goal, defines model characteristics of the explosive force indicators of leg extensors in top level athletes, both males and females. Based on its secondary goals, the differences in factor structure, functional and sexual dimorphism, level of development and coherence of indicators that can evaluate leg extensors explosiveness were determined. The research included 378 examinees divided into 8 groups based on gender and training process distinctiveness they have been subjected to: top level athletes from the speed-strength sports (male N=40 and female N=34), top level athletes from the sports with complex exertion of all motoric properties (male N=99 and female N=43), top level athletes from the endurance sports (male N=64 and female N=33) and controls consisting of healthy untrained adults, both genders (male N=33 and female N=32). Measurement range was defined by 81 variables divided into 6 dimensions regarding the contractile characteristics of leg extensors isometric force: 1) level of exerted force, measured both uni- and bilateral, 2) rate of force development or the explosiveness, measured both uni- and bilateral, 3) the time necessary to reach the given force, measured both uni- and bilateral, 4) bilateral deficiency level, 5) functional dimorphism level, 6) sexual dimorphism level; covering the range of basic, specific and special indicators of muscle force and leg extensors explosiveness. To evaluate maximal isometric leg extensors force (unilateral and bilateral), standardized equipment was used, i.e. metal device for measuring leg extensors isometric force, a tensiometric probe and standardized “seating leg extension” test..

    Role of multidetector computed tomography in diagnosis and differentiation of pancreatobiliary and intestinal type adenocarcinoma of the periampullary region

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    Uvod. Cilj studije bila je evaluacija uloge multidetektorske kompjuterizovane tomografije (MDCT) u ne-invazivnoj dijagnozi i razlikovanju pankreatobilijarnog i intestinalnog podtipa karcinoma periampularne regije. Metod. U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji, izabrano je 83 pacijenata, ali je 6 bilo isključeno jer nisu podvrgnuti operativnom tretmanu zbog postojanja udaljenih metastaza. Takođe, iz studije je isključeno 8 pacijenata sa karcinomom porekla glave pankreasa, 3 pacijenta sa karcinomom distalnog holedoha i 2 pacijenta sa karcinomom duodenuma koji su sekundarno zahvatili ampulu. Šezdeset četiri pacijenta sa reseciranim periampularnim karcinomom, koji su preoperativno bili pregledani specifičnim, optimizovanim MDCT protokolom su konačno bila uključena u studiju. Dva abdominalna radiologa, slepa na patološku dijagnozu podtipa adenokarcinoma, evaluirali su prisustvo sedam MDCT karakteristika konsenzusom. Korelacija između MDCT nalaza i subtipova karcinoma vršena je hi-kvadrat testom. Rezultati. Evaluirani skrojenim protokolom za ampularni MDCT pregled, intestinalni i pankreatobilijarni tip periampularnog adenokarcinoma bili su signifikantno različiti po pitanju morfologije lezije (p<0.0001), oblika papile (p<0.0001), infiltracije holedoha (p:0.003) i dilatacije holedoha (p:0.0004), infiltracije duodenopankreatičnog žljeba (p:0.0009) i infiltracije pankreatikoduodenalne arterije (p:0.005). Pankreatobilijarni tipovi tumora bili su značajno češće infitrativne morfologije (36/36 (100%)), pokazali retraktilnu papilu (28/36 (78%)), amputaciju holedoha (36/36, (100%)) sa pridruženom amputacijom pankreasnog kanala (24/36 (67%)), dilatiran holedoh (36/36, (100%)) sa pridruženom dilatacijom pankreasnog kanala (26/36 (72%)), “fiksiran” izgled duodenopankreasnog žljeba (30/36 (83%)), i zahvaćenost pankreatikoduodenalne arterije (24/36 (67%)). Intestinalni subtipovi periampularnih karcinoma bili su značajno više nodularne forme (28/28 (100%)), pokazali protruziju papile (26/28 (93%)), “slobodan” izgled duodenopankreasnog žljeba (22/28 (69%)) i bez zahvaćenosti pankreatikoduodenalne arterije (4/28 (14%))...Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in the non-invasive diagnosis and differentiation of pancreatobiliary and intestinal-type periampullary carcinomas subtypes. Methods: In this retrospective study, 83 patients were selected but 6 patients were excluded from the study due to distal metastases and they did nott go for surgery; furthermore, from the study were excluded 8 patients with pancreatic head carcinoma, 3 patients with carcinoma of distal CBD and 2 patients with duodenal carcinoma, who secondarily involved ampullary region. Finally, 64 patients with resected ampullary adenocarcinoma who underwent preoperative contrast-enhanced ampullary MDCT were included in the study. Two abdominal radiologists, blinded to pathological diagnosis of adenocarcinoma subtype, evaluated the presence of seven MDCT features in consensus. Correlation between MDCT findings with ampullary cancer subtypes was carried out using χ2 test. Results: When evaluated with tailored ampullary MDCT protocol, intestinal- and pancreatobiliary-type ampullary adenocarcinomas were significantly different in terms of morphology of the lesion (p:<0.0001), shape of the papilla (p:<0.0001), CBD infiltration (p:0.003) and CBD dilation (p:0.0004), duodenopancreatic groove infiltration (p:0.0009), and pancreaticoduodenal artery involvement (p:0.005). Pancreatobiliary-type tumors were significantly more often infiltrative in morphology (36/36[100%]), showed a retracted papilla (28/36[78%]), an abrupt cut-off of the CBD (36/36[100%]) with an associated abrupt cut-off of the MPD (24/36[67%]), a dilated CBD (36/36[100%] with an associated dilated MPD (26/36[72%]), a “fixed” duodenopancreatic groove appearance (30/36[83%]), and pancreaticoduodenal artery involvement (24/36[67%]). Intestinal subtype ampullary carcinomas were significantly more frequently nodular in shape (28/28[100%]), had a bulging papilla (26/28[93%]), a “free” duodenopancreatic groove appearance (22/28[69%]) and less pancreaticoduodenal artery involvement (4/28 [14%])..

    Reasoning with linguistic preferences using NPN logic

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    Negative-positive-neutral logic provides an alternative framework for fuzzy cognitive maps development and decision analysis. This paper reviews basic notion of NPN logic and NPN relations and proposes adaptive approach to causality weights assessment. It employs linguistic models of causality weights activated by measurement-based fuzzy cognitive maps' concepts values. These models allow for quasi-dynamical adaptation to the change of concepts values, providing deeper understanding of possible side effects. Since in the real-world environments almost every decision has its consequences, presenting very valuable portion of information upon which we also make our decisions, the knowledge about the side effects enables more reliable decision analysis and directs actions of decision maker

    On the connection between mutually unbiased bases and orthogonal Latin squares

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    We offer a piece of evidence that the problems of finding the number of mutually unbiased bases (MUB) and mutually orthogonal Latin squares (MOLS) might not be equivalent. We study a particular procedure which has been shown to relate the two problems and generates complete sets of MUBs in power-of-prime dimensions and three MUBs in dimension six. For these cases, every square from an augmented set of MOLS has a corresponding MUB. We show that this no longer holds for certain composite dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Proceedings of CEWQO 200